
Since forever or almost

Fabrice Hergott

EVA & ADELE have belonged to the art world since forever or almost. I met them for the first time in the early 1990s, at the Centre Pompidou. But I think I saw them for the first time a little earlier, at an exhibition opening in Germany, and have done so very often since. It was difficult not to notice them. I immediately loved how different they were from everyone else and how similar they were to each other, radiant, happy to be what they were. Always the same, always in another outfit. Confronting stares without batting an eyelid, responding to surprise with a huge double smile, sometimes with a burst of laughter. If the expression of joie de vivre is the most beautiful of courtesies, they are both supremely polite, ideally well mannered. Parents should quote them as an example for their children. Their difference is their expression of their tolerance, their presence that of their freedom. With the brilliance and perfection of their resemblance they are one of the most beautiful and profound artists’ performances ever realised. They would never acknowledge it, but we all know that the art world has belonged to them since forever or almost.